Green Cement
Green Cement
As the cement industry seeks to meet their ESG targets, the key issue is the reduction of CO2 emissions. The application of new, carbon-neutral cement materials, termed “green” or “novel cement,” is the critical lever for addressing these emissions.
According to Chatham House (2018), “Significant changes in how cement and concrete are produced and used are urgently needed to achieve deep cuts in emissions in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change.”
2024 McKinsey Future Cement Industry Report:
“Looking forward, the global cement industry could achieve greater growth from novel solutions, higher margins, and greater global integration. However, to succeed in the coming cementitious landscape, players will need to play offense and act fast. As the new blueprint of the cement industry takes shape between 2025 and 2035, those that are first to the table stand to reap the greatest rewards.”
The SonoAsh Solution
SonoAsh’s patented technology profitably enables the global cement industry to close the gap between today’s practices and their sustainability targets. Our technology operates at the intersection of legacy coal power waste and alternative cementitious materials.
Using waste coal ash as feedstock, our patented process transforms impounded coal ash into an engineered cementitious material with a significantly reduced CO2 footprint while also remediating problematic coal ash impoundments. The SonoAsh Sonicator reactor can process a broad range of coal ash samples to create engineered coal ash that meets ASTM C-618 (AASHTO M295 and European EN-450) requirements for high-value ordinary Portland cement (OPC) displacement.

Key Benefits
- Low Loss on Ignition (LOI): Produces <1% LOI product from sources with >15% LOI.
- Consistent Quality: Delivers definable particle size and shape specifications (25-100 μm).
- Scalable Solution: Scalable, regional, and economically feasible OPC supplement with negligible GHG emissions.
Leading by Example
For the industry, the green cement product offered by our multi-product matrix provides an opportunity to lead by example, paying dividends in environmental and economic arenas for years to come.