Carbon Credits
Carbon Credits
The global production of cement and concrete is estimated to be 9%+ of total global CO2 emissions (Scientific American 2023).
The patented SonoAsh sonication process can replace up to 50% of Portland cement in concrete by using our engineered supplementary cementitious material (SCM). The SCM is recycled and beneficiated from impounded coal ash in storage around North America and the world.
The replacement of the Portland cement by the SonoAsh engineered coal ash eliminates an equal amount of industry emissions depending on the ready-mix formula and qualifies SonoAsh as a carbon credit producer.
SonoAsh can generate and monetize carbon credits by certifying the emissions reductions in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). The carbon credits can be verified based on the low-carbon cement protocol, developed by the Climate Action Reserve (CAR).
The Climate Action Reserve
The Climate Action Reserve, established in 2021, is a standard and offsets registry for global carbon markets. It establishes methodologies to certify GHG emissions reductions and removals. It develops its methodology in multi-sector stakeholder workgroup development and local engagement. The organization performs in the VCM, and compliance carbon markets in California, Washington, and globally. CAR is an environmentally-profit organization based in California, but with projects developed internationally. According to the Ecosystem Market place (2024), it has near 4% of the VCM market share.
The Low-Carbon Cement Protocol
The Low-Carbon Cement Protocol was launched by the Climate Action Reserve in 2023. This methodology allows projects, like SonoAsh, to certify greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions associated with the production and processing of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) or alternative cementitious materials (ACMs) that can replace Portland cement in ready-mix or concrete products to reduce associated GHG emissions.